Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Do you hear what I hear? Tim Hawkins

Merry Christmas folks! Enjoy!

Friday, December 11, 2009

"Man Cold"

For all my fellow dudes who are struggling with "Man cold" and your wife might not understand how bad it really is...this might help. Have fun.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

World Magazine

Hey friends - if you don't have a subscription to WORLD Magazine - I would highly recommend it! I have been getting this for close to 10 years now and it is absolutely outstanding! It is a bi-weekly Christian news reporting magazine written by theologically and politcally conservative believers. They are fair and balanced in their reporting. Great stuff to get a theologically sound perspective on daily events! Highly recommend it! You can order by loggin on to

Monday, December 7, 2009

John MacArthur on Preaching...

As a pastor oftentimes one can struggle when one only hears the "success stories" from well known pastors...thinking, "what is wrong with me? why do I struggle in formulating sermons week after week, when others seem to do it so well?!?" On that note, I sure appreciate Dr. John MacArthur's humility in sharing his own weekly saga..

“I mean, I don’t just sit at my office and say, “Lord, I want to preach a great sermon Sunday. Please, I ask you, give me a great sermon.” No, what I do is I ask the Lord all week for that, and then I seek that by going through the Word of God and reading and reading. And then I begin banging on the Lord, in a sense, by saying, “Lord, I’m struggling with this thing and I want to understand it,” and this one this morning, which isn’t so hot, anyway, I rewrote three times. And on and on you go, struggling with it. But the point is, I realize that God is the only one who can produce through me, but at the same time, I’ve got to be involved in that.”

(from the sermon: “Loving people”; Matthew 7, 7-12)
The key phrase being, "I realize that God is the only one who can produce..." Thank you Lord that you are the One who builds Your church! He does all the work through His word!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

John - His Story - A Greenleaf Production

Hey folks,

We want to welcome all of you out for a great time to see the play, "John - His Story" - a 4 person play based on the 7 great signs performed by Jesus Christ that the Apostle John records in his gospel. This will be at Providence at 6pm, Sunday, December 6th. This will be performed by the great folks of "Greenleaf Music & Arts Academy" featuring Savannah Hoit, Elise Veach, Jimmy Trendel and Tommy Trendel.
This play will be acted out through the eyes of the everyday people that John records "Jesus' disciples, the beggars, wedding guests, the wealthy and the ordinary."

Come out for a great time with the family. Bring a plate of cookies/goodies to share and we will have some Starbucks brewing. Likewise, I want to encourage you as we have been talking more and more about evangelism in our Care Groups, I want to encourage you to step out and invite your neighbors to this event. You can download a flyer from Greenleaf by clicking here:

Lastly, I have to say as a personal plug for the folks at Greenleaf - this is an outstanding group of godly artists. If you have ever been to a Greenleaf production you know what I am talking about when I say that these folks take their mission to glorify God through the arts seriously. I have enjoyed watching Edna and Carolyn, and the rest of the Greenleaf gang seek to put on productions that have a distinctly clear "God-centered" message that my daughter can be part of. You can tell they have purposefully stayed away from "fluffy" pieces, and stayed on target with plays such as "Cross and The Switchblade," "Pocahontas" (the non-Disney, but real version), likewise other productions focusing on the lives of famous missionaries and the like. Also, I have to say from day one I have been so impressed with the demeanor and passion for godliness that so many of the children have. I can't say enough of how impressed I have been by the humble, godly example and environment that the folks of Greenleaf have set!
Come on out it is sure to be a great time to kick off the Christmas season as we celebrate the glorious truth of when "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." See you then!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To My Beautiful Bride!!!

Today is my beautiful bride's 40th birthday! What a blessing this woman is to me! I created a blog for her birthday that many of her friends and family have posted their birthday wishes to her. Feel free to log on and wish her a happy birthday as well!
Wow! I sure married "up"! Thank you Lord for my wonderful bride! Happy birthday sweetie!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The BBQ Song

Hey folks...we all have to have our BBQ and all food is one of mine...enjoy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Gospel & Social Action - A Message By D.A. Carson

Last year a group of students asked Dr. Carson if he would speak on the topic of "The Gospel & Social Action," as many seem to talk about issues of social action (ministry to the poor, working for issues of justice in society at large) and the gospel as though they might be one in the same. Listening to this very informative lecture, that Justin Taylor has posted on the Gospel Coalition website, will not only help inform someone of the calling to care for the poor, but also to help sharpen and tighten one's grasp on what "the gospel" actually is (to help keep "the main thing" the "main thing"). Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Gospel & Ministry To The Poor

In light of our monthly work through our Care Group ministry to the women and children at Forest Avenue Women's & Children's and be fed:

"Like nothing else could ever do, the gospel instills in me a heart for the downcast, the poverty-stricken, and those in need of physical mercies, especially when such persons are of the household of faith.

When I see persons who are materially poor, I instantly feel a kinship with them, for they are physically what I was spiritually when my heart was closed to Christ. Perhaps some of them are in their condition because of sin, but so was I. Perhaps they are unkind when I try to help them; but I, too, have been spiteful to God when He has sought to help me. Perhaps they are thankless and even abuse the kindness I show them, but how many times have I been thankless and used what God has given me to serve selfish ends?

Perhaps a poverty-stricken person will be blessed and changed as a result of some kindness I show him. If so, God be praised for His grace through me. But if the person walks away unchanged by my kindness, then I still rejoice over the opportunity to love as God loves. Perhaps the person will repent in time; but for now, my heart is chastened and made wiser by the tangible depiction of what I myself have done to God on numerous occasions.

The gospel reminds me daily of the spiritual poverty into which I was born and also of the staggering generosity of Christ towards me. Such reminders instill in me both a felt connection to the poor and a desire to show them the same generosity that has been lavished on me. When ministering to the poor with these motivations, I not only preach the gospel to them through word and deed, but I reenact the gospel to my own benefit as well."
- Milton Vincent, A Gospel Primer

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Doonesbury, Facebook & Parenting

Hey folks, here is something for the very random department. I personally love comic strips, yet I normally don't care for this particular one (because of its political slant, etc.) but I had to say this one was absolutely true to life! I had to pass this one along...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

International Day of Prayer For the Persecuted Church

Hey folks, I trust that the Lord ministered to you through this morning's service and our time spent with one another in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the globe. As you think about our time I wanted to forward on to you some links of some helpful organizations that have both some prayer resources as well as helpful bible studies about persecution as well that you could go through with your family this week.Voice of the Martyrs International Day Of Prayer For The Persecuted Church It was a great time this morning! Take care and have a wonderful week praying for our brothers and sisters.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why Church Planting? By Dave Harvey

Hey folks...again as I have said on other posts...many folks shouldn't be blogging...I think I am in that one of my tasks is going to point you to guys you should be reading. Here is one such man, Dr. Dave Harvey. He serves our family of churches in the area of church care and church planting. He has his doctorate from Westminster in the area of church planting and has overseen the planting of many churches. He brings much to the table for us all to learn from. Here is the a link to the first of several posts he is giving on answering the question... "Why Church Planting?" Enjoy!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Theologically Sound - Christian Rap/Hip Hop...

Hey is one for the really random department. Rap is not necessarily my thing as far as musical genres go...but sound theology is and when it is sung to and in all cultures it is a gloriously beautiful thing. Here is a link to one of CJ's latest posts on Christian Hip Hop...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Seminary, The Local Church, The Pastor's College and a Good Friend

(How's that for a title to a blog post?) This last week I received an article published by "" by a good and recent friend that have come to know over the last couple of years, Steve Burchett. His article entitled "Seminary Is Dangerous," just reminded me of God's grace at work in my own life in the past 10+ years. In his article Steve talks about the need for and the centrality of the local church in the life, training and development of a pastor, as well as some very real pit falls "seminary life" can provide. I wanted to forward this article on because I felt was it helpful in identifying some aspects to consider as some contemplate "seminary life."

I went to seminary - however, if it were not for my precious local church - Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena, where I had godly, humble men who provided an example for me as to what it actually looked like to not just sit around in a coffee shop and pontificate about theology and "great" ideas, but to actually apply it in their own lives of the "gloriously mundane" everyday life of being a husband and father first. I thank God for pastors such as Mark Mullery, Ron Boomsma and Lynn Baird! They provided an example for me as a young seminarian to apply what one wise (and right) Systematic Theology Professor told us on our first day of classes, "You won't learn theology here...we can tell you about it, and teach you about it...but you won't know it, until you apply it...and you can't apply it here as it is intended and put forth for us in Holy Scripture. We see in Holy Scripture the place to apply it is in the context of the local church, not a seminary. We will only teach you some things...but you won't know it until you walk it out in the grit of everyday life in a community called "the local church." I thank God for that professor for doing his job - he pointed me back not to the loftiness of the "greatness" of my own ideas (what a joke), but instead to the importance of the local church. As a young seminarian, I encountered men that I wanted to be like, because they were pursuing Christ. Men who were not famous, nor flashy, but faithful where they lived. Sinless? No. Humble? Yes, although they were quick to confess their own pride and shortcomings. To these great pastors - Mark, Ron, Lynn and many others like them - thanks for being great husbands and fathers first! You have been and continue to be great examples for me - I only hope I might be able to follow Christ, as you have!

With this I wanted to also share how thankful I am for Sovereign Grace Ministries' Pastor's College. I went there after seminary, and I have to say - what I experienced there dwarfed the 3+ years of seminary life. "Seminary life" by itself is a lonely life. Yet, the Pastor's College was different, it was theological training that I was prepared for because of the local church, it was rooted in a local church and focused to send me out to pastor a local church. It was different also in that, for many of the reasons Steve mentions, it focused on the importance of one living one's theology in the home, in a local church - this is the starting point of an elder - how he is at home, with his wife, kids and other brothers. I could go on and on (which I am afraid I have). But Steve, thanks bro for a great article! Thanks for provoking us all (not just seminary folks) to love Christ, to love the local church and to pursue biblical application in humility! Thanks bro!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Luther: The Movie

I know this movie has been out for some time, but this movie is simply outstanding! And if you are looking for a great movie to sit down with the family to watch during this autumn season, I would highly recommend "Luther" the movie. It stars Jospeh Fiennes and is directed by Eric Till. It is beautifully done. Take some time and just use it not only as a tool to remind our children (and ourselves) of the rich history we have in the Reformation. Use it specifically to bring up and teach the truths of the inerrancy of Scripture and error of man; the meaningless of attempting to be declared justified by our works, and to rejoice in justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone for God's glory alone. Pop some popcorn and have a great time as a family!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Never Recant - Always Reforming

A great hero of the faith (who is still living - Mark Kettler) wrote me this week in the comment section of this blog concerning the great privilege we have of celebrating the time of the Reformation. Below are the comments from his post - read them and may we be forever finding ourselves "reforming" our lives over and over again in accordance with the Holy Scriptures - may we never "recant" from rejoicing, standing in, preaching, loving and living God's precious word!

"October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Church. He later faced a tribunal, excommunication and potential execution for his stance in favor of God's Word and against the Roman Catholic Church. Here are his now famous closing words spoken before his accusers:"Your Imperial Majesty and Your Lordships demand a simple answer. Here it is, plain and unvarnished. Unless I am convicted [convinced] of error by the testimony of Scripture or (since I put no trust in the unsupported authority of Pope or councils, since it is plain that they have often erred and often contradicted themselves) by manifest reasoning, I stand convicted [convinced] by the Scriptures to which I have appealed, and my conscience is taken captive by God's word, I cannot and will not recant anything, for to act against our conscience is neither safe for us, nor open to us. On this I take my stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Discerning Reader - Highly Recommend

Hey folks, I know it has been a while since I have posted last. But here you go... Looking for a great book to for a reading group or something just to read throughout the Fall? I would highly recommend you checking out "Discerning Reader" by Tim Challies at There are thousands of books put out each year...and if you are slow reader like me, you would like to spend those valuable times carved out for reading on a book that is actually good, edifying, theologically sound and helpful. Check out "Discerning Reader" they have outstanding reviews and book lists! Happy reading!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Godly Fathers - A Sermon By Doug Luffman from Deuteronomy 6

Hey folks,

I wanted to draw your attention to an outstanding message by Doug Luffman, an elder of our church. It is not only challenging and provoking to draw our families to a God glorifying vision for their lives, but in his tone and demeanor is an example of pastoral graciousness to us as fathers. In this message Doug has given us 4 very clear points of what a godly home looks like from Deut. 6:4-7. Very helpful...very encouraging...very practical.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Family Mission Trip Is Coming Soon!

Hey folks,

For this post I just wanted to direct you to World Servants website - the group we will be going with this Summer for our Family Missions Trip. Here you will find some links to their "Family Friendly" Short Term Missions well as a brief interview with Michael Farris from HSLDA talking about short term mission trips as a great discipleship tool in the hand of a parent to both get our children out of their "comfort zones" into another culture, but also the opportunity it provides in a concentrated way (a week or longer) to engage your child with the gospel as you share the gospel with others.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rachel's Story - Death Is Not Dying

Dear friends I would highly recommend you stop what you are doing, gather the family around and listen to this precious woman's story - Rachel - she is a Christian, she is a wife and a mother of young children and she is dying of cancer. Gather the family around to listen to her compelling message, "Death is not dying: A Faith That Saves." Take some time with this to discuss with your entire family. Click here to watch the video...of an Unchanging, Loving God Who saves by grace.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Knowledge of God's Sovereignty Linked To Our Thanksgiving, Worship and Prayer To Christ - John Calvin

Wow - this guy was smart! (Pregnant pause). I know that was a dumb statement to post on a blog...but consider the source. As I read chapter 2 of his Book I of his "Institutes" one cannot help but be both blown away and sent into a place of worship as Calvin speaks to the knowledge of God's sovereignty over all things...and its promotion of prayer, thanksgiving and worship!

"We must be persuaded not only that as he once formed the world, so he sustains it by his boundless power, governs it by his wisdom, preserves it by his goodness, in particular, rules the human race with justice and judgment, bears with them in mercy, shields them by his protection; but also that not a particle of light, or wisdom, or justice, or power, or rectitude, or genuine truth, will any where be found, which does not flow from him, and of which he is not the cause; in this way we must learn to expect and ask all things from him, and thankfully ascribe to him whatever we receive...For until men feel that they owe everything to God, that they are cherished by his paternal care, and that he is the author of all their blessings, so that naught is to be looked for away from him, they will never submit to him in voluntary obedience; no unless they place their entire happiness in him, they will never yield up their whole selves to him in truth and sincerity."

Oh Lord may our entire happiness be in you Jesus!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Question Of Getting To Know Ourselves & John Calvin

I first began reading John Calvin while I was in seminary - mostly reading excerpts from his "Institutes of Christian Religion." Today, while in my study - I pulled it off the shelf again and began to read Chapter 1 of the first book of his Institutes. There I found a great answer to a very common contemporary question, "How am I to get know who I am?" His first "Book" in the Institutes is all about our knowledge of God. The first chapter is entitled, "The Knowledge of God and of Ourselves Mutually Connected. Nature of the Connection." (Great title!) There Calvin does not lead us to subjective answers to this question but instead calls us to meditate on the "face of God." (Now, if you haven't read it...the whole nature of this post will be for you to spend sometime reading him and meditating on the truths of just his first chapter).

Calvin calls us to meditate on God and when we do so - we find much about ourselves. Not that as we look into the "face of God" through the lens of Scripture that we somehow see ourselves as though looking into a mirror. No - but through looking upon His greatness, His majesty, His power, His holiness, His beauty, etc. we then are enabled to be humbled to begin on the pathway of "getting to know ourselves." He writes:

"For, since we are all naturally prone to hypocrisy, any empty semblance of righteousness is quite enough to satisfy us instead of righteousness itself. And since nothing appears within us or around us that is not tainted with very great impurity, so long as we keep our mind within the confines of human pollution, anything which is in some small degree less defiled delights us as if it were most pure: just as an eye, to which nothing but black had been previously presented, deems an object of a whitish, or even of a brownish hue, to be perfectly white...So long as we do not look beyond the earth, we are quite pleased with our own righteousness, wisdom and virtue; we address ourselves in the most flattering terms, and seem only less than demigods."

This is why I love John Calvin, because he loves the "Greatness of God." Oh friend - in all our searching - may our hearts ache for the knowledge of God! May I ache for the knowledge of the Holy beyond knowledge of myself! And when we learn of the holy - I am driven to look for a Substitute and there at the Cross is mine! The One Who "got to know us" - by being made one of us - the Perfect Man - Jesus Christ! May we spend our days as we "know ourselves" finding ourselves running to the Cross - and there by the work of the Spirit, we are made to know ourselves changing into His likeness! Too often - I have a high view of myself and a low view of God. Oh what a day that will be when we see "true white" - - and rejoice in His purity, unlike anything we could ever imagine! For now, we only see particular "hues" - but all by grace we will see Him - we will then know Him.

I will end this post with this quote: "Though the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves are bound together by a mutual tie, due arrangement requires that we treat the former in the first place and then descend to the latter." May we treat "the former" - God in the first place and then - and only then descend to the latter!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Books For Shepherds

Hey folks I know it has been a while since I have posted. We just got back from the Pastor's Conference with Sovereign Grace Ministries this last week - which was an outstanding time. I have gone to many Leadership Conferences in the past with SGM, but I have to say this was just such an outstanding time. The care we received from CJ and others was so very helpful and enriching. There was a special emphasis this year on growing as shepherds - specifically to those who are suffering. It was both sobering, helpful and refreshing to go back to our churches, seeking to follow The Chief Shepherd - Jesus as we seek to care for the flock the Lord has entrusted with us to led. It was a great time and I just want to say thank you so very much for all your prayers for Dave and I as we went.

On this front - I have been reading - somewhat devotionally - Alexander Strauch's book, "Biblical Eldership" for several months now. It has been such a helpful and sharpening tool for my thinking and practice as an "under shepherd" of God's people. Likewise, a new one from the New Studies in Biblical Theology entitled, "Shepherds After My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions And Leadership in the Bible." by Timothy Laniak. I have only begun to study certain chapters but the one on Mark's gospel - which is simply outstanding! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

12 year old girl's speech on the topic of abortion.

Wow folks, 400,000 hits and counting! Watch this compelling speech given by a 12 year old girl at a public school debate on the topic of abortion. Outstanding!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Old Earth" vs. "Young Earth" and suggestions on how to disagree

As I have studied the book of Genesis and many of the issues that surround it there have been some conflicts on how many faithful godly Christians view how old the earth is. Questions are often asked, "Is this 6 literal days of creation? Is this 6 epochs? Is this a literary device Moses is using to display God's creative power in creation?" As I have studied I have come across young earth folks who believe they can state (almost to the year) the creation of the earth as being almost just at 4,004 B.C. by looking at the genealogies and counting the years and so forth (not taking into account the purposes of the genealogies and how there are specific and purposeful gaps in them to communicate not only relation to people, but a theological message as well.) I have also found Christians who are "old earth" folks who believe the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, but who do not affirm evolution and see it as a biblically incompatible worldview with Biblical Christianity...of which men like Dr. R.C. Sproul (of whom we love and highly respect) believed for many years, prior to about 3-4 years ago. In my study, I also came across other believers who, like Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church and the Acts 29 Network who believe in an "old earth" while affirming a literal 6 days (24 hour day) approach to Genesis.
SO WHAT ARE WE TO THINK OF THIS? Although I do find myself in the younger earth camp, who believes Moses is speaking about a literal 6 days of creation - where I do part ways is with what would seem to be the demeanor of some folks (who share my position) in how they look might view men like a "pre-4 years ago" Sproul or a Mark Driscoll. Below are some links to help you not only go through the biblical text but also are instructive in the demenaor of how they do disagree and so forth. I trust this will be a great starting place to study these issues...

  • Top of the list - Dr. Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology - the chapter on creation is absolutely outstanding! Grudem is a 6 literal day-er (don't you love labels?), but how he views those within biblical Christianity, who do have different interpretations is wonderful! I only wish I could disagree with folks as graciously, lovingly and caringly as he has done here.

  • Also top of the list - would be the lengthy discussion found in the ESV Study Bible introductory notes to the book of Genesis (specifically the sections on "Genesis and History" and "Genesis and Science."

  • Third Millennium's article entitled, "Young Earth vs. Old Earth" - it is short, but well laid out and again the tone and demeanor is one that should accompany such a discussion.

  • CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) has a great discussion between someone talking about evolution and Matt Slick's response - again on this one, it is not just what is said, but how it is said. And likewise Matt's explanation of how important it is to understand what "genre" of literature you are reading when you are attempting to interpret. (Ex: poetry can be taken "literally" as poetry and all the rules that govern poetry). Very helpful! This article is entitled, "The Bible Can't Be Taken Literally" (don't let the title throw you...)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

When & How Did The Universe Begin?

Hey folks, as we are going through our series in Genesis from time to time I will pass on to you some videos and links on apologetics. Here is a great video speaking to popular evolutionary theory, by Dr. William Lane Craig

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"When Sinners Say I Do" by Dave Harvey

On the subject of marriage and good books to read - here is a great one for couples to go through together. Our Care Group and Ministry Team leaders have been going through this book as a guideline for our discussions in the past year and it is such a great "tool" to drive us back into Scripture that drives us to the gospel, that is our only hope in salvation and transformation. Here is a book review on Challies' blog/website.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Devotional Plan For Husbands Desiring To Grow Closer To Christ & Closer To Their Brides

Hey guys,

On this theme of growing as men in our vocation (meaning, our calling from God) as husbands, I want to introduce to you (and for some reacquaint) to "The Exemplary Husband" by Stuart Scott. For our men's ministry, several years ago we went through this book together and it is both a great instruction in the biblical role of husband, but it also draws the reader to see, desire and need Christ more and more. In many ways, this is a "systematic theology" (you will see what I mean when you look to the table of contents) on a husband's role, goal and passion. From the outset one sees that Dr. Scott is not leading us to mere moralism. Instead, he is leading us to see, worship and follow "THE" Exemplary Husband - Christ Himself. I would encourage you that if you are looking for some devotional material that will draw you closer to Christ and closer to your bride - get this book and read it slowly, prayerfully with a focus on applying. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time to apply...if you haven't already!

Hey guys,

It's Valentine's Day...and if you haven't done so already, it is time to "apply" what we talked about in our last "Invest" Men's Discipleship Group from 1 Peter 3 where we encouraged one another to "walk with our wives in an understanding way." Just as a case in point...ignoring "Valentine's Day" - the one day that EVERYONE EVERYWHERE, Christian and non-Christian alike take time out to celebrate the importance of marital ignore such a let such a day pass without meaningful, purposeful encouragement...well...let me just say...this isn't walking with your wife in an understanding way. Go and apply my friend! If you haven't yet, and the schedules (for a multitude of reasons are full) take some time today to express your love, honor, and respect for your bride...and plan out some date nights this week! On those date nights, I would encourage you to get out your calendars and plan 1 - at least one - overnighter get away for the two of you in the next couple of months. It doesn't have to be expensive...the Chateau Avalon here in KC is very inexpensive for a great overnighter! Make your reservations and plans today! Likewise click on this resource on our church's website "101 Ways To Love Your Wife" Let's start applying! ((Oh...if a wife happens to be reading this is completely acceptable and right to forward this on to your husband!))

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The 200th Anniversary Of The Birthday Of Charles Darwin

Today marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin. In the link below is a treasure chest of articles by Dr. Albert Mohler and others on Darwinism and its affect on society at large.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

From "Na" to "NEXT"

The Young Adult Ministry of Sovereign Grace Ministries has changed its name from "New Attitude" to "NEXT." Likewise they have launched a new website - and with this a monthly "Webzine" this issue figuring Dr. Sinclair Ferguson as well as articles ofor "Guys" and "Gals" as well as an article about listening to music for the glory of God. Click here for the website as well as to register for this year's conference.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable - Articles By Dr. Albert Mohler

In the world of the Bible, reverence for life is natural, and automatic – the only reflex, and the only instinct. As Dr. Albert Mohler writes in these 3 blog entries, respect for life is not based upon the fact that we worship life, but is instead based on the fact that we know and worship the Creator of life, the Sovereign of life. Needless to say these are outstanding articles:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Sanctity Of Life - Scriptures To Both Pray & Act Upon

As our nation begins a process of transition in leadership, one great concern on the hearts and minds of many Christians are the possible transitions that will take place in the issues of "abortion rights." As we seek to both pray and respond, I wanted to post here a list of passages to help and direct our hearts in both the will and the grace of God concerning the sanctity of human life. I pray this will serve to both inform your prayer life as you pray these passages, but also to help aid those who are recovering from the pains of abortion to know, find and experience the grace of God.

God is the Creator of Life
Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Job 33:4 - The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
God creates and fashions life within the womb
Job 31:15 - Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?
The unborn are treated as persons in the Bible
Psalm 139:13-16 - For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's
womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in
the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my
unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of
them came to be.
Conception is a gift from God
Exodus 23:25-26 - Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and
water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in
your land. I will give you a full life-span.
Children are a gift from the Lord
Psalm 127:3-5 - Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like
arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose
quiver is full of them.
God forbids the taking of human life
Genesis 9:6 - Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the
image of God has God made man.
Exodus 20:13 - You shall not murder.
Exodus 21:22-25 - If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth
prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the
woman's husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to
take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn,
wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
We are to defend and protect life
Psalm 10:17-18 - You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and
you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed in order that man, who is
of the earth, may terrify no more.
Psalm 41:1 - Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of
Proverbs 31:8-9 - Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all
who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Rape, incest, and birth defects do not justify taking the life of the child
Deuteronomy 24:16 - Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put
to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.
Isaiah 45:9-10 - Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd
among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, "What are you
making?" Does your work say, "He has no hands?" Woe to him who says to his father,
"What have you begotten?" or to his mother, "What have you brought to birth?"
1 Corinthians 10:13 - No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And
God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you
are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
God forgives the sin of abortion – There is GRACE, HOPE & FORGIVENESS!
Roman 5:20-21
- The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin
increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace
might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Our Calling As Men

There is oftentimes much confusion as to what does it mean to be and walk as a man. We live in a day where many young men (as well as many older men) are confused as to what they are to be doing with their lives. We have a generation of young men who are stuck in what many sociologists would be called, a "delayed adolescence." I think this is directly tied to a foggy and unbiblical understand of what it means to be a man as Scripture defines this for us. In the attached link to Southern Seminary's magazine Dr. Albert Mohler take us to God's word to help focus our attention on God's purpose for our lives as men. God in His kindness as our Father has shown us what our roles are to be - may we not be confused, but instead rejoicing in our calling to walk as biblically faithful men of God. Take care & enjoy this issue!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"For You" by Octavius Winslow

Folks sorry so long for a post...let this wonderful quote stir your LOVE FOR CHRIST! -Take care, Matthew


FOR YOU! by Octavius Winslow

Is Jesus precious to your heart? Is He the object of your supreme admiration and delight? Does He have your warmest affection? Do you love Jesus? You must light your torch of affection for Christ, at the altar of Calvary. You must go there, and learn and believe what the love of Jesus is to you—the vastness of that love; the self sacrifice of that love; how that love of Christ labored and wept, bled, suffered, and died for you! Can you stand before this love; this love so precious, so great, so enduring, so self-consuming, so changeless; and know that for you was this offering—for you this cross—for you this agony—for you this scorn and insult—for you this death; and feel no sensibility, no emotion, no love to Jesus? Impossible!

Do not be cast down, then, in vain regrets that your love to Christ is so frigid, so fickle, so dubious. Go and muse upon the reality and the greatness of the Savior's love to you, and if love can inspire love, while you muse, the fire will burn, and your soul shall be all in flame with love to God!

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.