Tuesday, November 24, 2009

John - His Story - A Greenleaf Production

Hey folks,

We want to welcome all of you out for a great time to see the play, "John - His Story" - a 4 person play based on the 7 great signs performed by Jesus Christ that the Apostle John records in his gospel. This will be at Providence at 6pm, Sunday, December 6th. This will be performed by the great folks of "Greenleaf Music & Arts Academy" featuring Savannah Hoit, Elise Veach, Jimmy Trendel and Tommy Trendel.
This play will be acted out through the eyes of the everyday people that John records "Jesus' disciples, the beggars, wedding guests, the wealthy and the ordinary."

Come out for a great time with the family. Bring a plate of cookies/goodies to share and we will have some Starbucks brewing. Likewise, I want to encourage you as we have been talking more and more about evangelism in our Care Groups, I want to encourage you to step out and invite your neighbors to this event. You can download a flyer from Greenleaf by clicking here: http://www.greenleafstudio.org/flyers/John_HisStory.pdf

Lastly, I have to say as a personal plug for the folks at Greenleaf - this is an outstanding group of godly artists. If you have ever been to a Greenleaf production you know what I am talking about when I say that these folks take their mission to glorify God through the arts seriously. I have enjoyed watching Edna and Carolyn, and the rest of the Greenleaf gang seek to put on productions that have a distinctly clear "God-centered" message that my daughter can be part of. You can tell they have purposefully stayed away from "fluffy" pieces, and stayed on target with plays such as "Cross and The Switchblade," "Pocahontas" (the non-Disney, but real version), likewise other productions focusing on the lives of famous missionaries and the like. Also, I have to say from day one I have been so impressed with the demeanor and passion for godliness that so many of the children have. I can't say enough of how impressed I have been by the humble, godly example and environment that the folks of Greenleaf have set!
Come on out it is sure to be a great time to kick off the Christmas season as we celebrate the glorious truth of when "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." See you then!

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