Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sickness Sanctified To The Saint

Sickness can often times viewed as something to "just get through." However, if you are struggling with more long term sickness, disease and pain, those seasons can be particularlly discouraging, and with them there can be times of just feeling hopeless and alone. With that, I wanted to just send you a note of encouragement, hope and help as you might find yourself upon your bed.

A year ago when I was sick for a prolonged period of time with pnemonia, I found myself, by God's grace praying, "Lord, use this...use this time, sanctify it for my good." In that I found comfort in knowing that this was not something that was outside of God's providential care for me, but instead that He has brought this to my door, ultimately to make me more and more like Himself, working this for my good (Romans 8:28). In that, and through also the great witness of my wife, who has been through far more health difficulties than my own...and knowing that many of you might also be struggling with physical sickness, or the like, I wanted to bring to you the words of Mr. Charles Spurgeon to help bring encouragement, health and strength to your own soul. I pray that this may minister to you and for you to know God's active care and presence to take your sickness and sanctify it to the eternal betterment of your own soul.


His Bed Of Illness -by Charles Spurgeon

"The Lord sustains him on his sickbed" -Psalm 41:3

"The Holy Peace of God's suffering child is one of the finest sermons that can ever be preached. A sick saint is often used by God far more than the most eloquent preacher. When people see how willingly you submit to the divine will, how patiently you endure painful operations, and how God your Maker gives you songs in the night (Job 35:10), you are greatly used. I visit people who have been bedridden for years, whose influence extends over the entire parish. They are known as poor holy women or as old Christian men. I get more from talking with these people for har an hour than I derive from all the books in my library. Yet these saints thought they were doing nothing. Look at your situation in this light. You can praise God on your bed; you can make your room as vocal for God as any pulpit. Let true religion be your life, and then your life will be true religion. This is how it ought to be. "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31). As the streams of your common life flows obscure and unobserved, be holy and coureageous, and you will find that "they also serve who only stand and wait." You, who can do no more than simply sit at Jesus' feet and listen to His words, will not be neglected or overlooked." -Charles Spurgeon

Remember "the Lord sustains him on his sickbed." Take care and may He sanctify your sickness to your soul.

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