Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In God We Trust - A Call To Both Honor & Prayer

Dear friends, I found today's post by Dr. Albert Mohler, the President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary very helpful in how to both think and respond biblically in light of yesterday's Presidential elections. No matter what side of the aisle you are on (or if you are voting on different aisles) - I think you will find Dr. Mohler's words both encouraging and beneficial. May we - as Dr. Mohler states both honor our new President as Our President and likewise both pray for him and our country. Take care...and as you read this encouraging article remember these great and assuring words from Psalm 118: 8-9 "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes." Our hope is not in a man - our Sufficient Hope is in Christ - in whom we trust. May the people of our country one day be able to truly say, "In God We Trust."
The direct link to Dr. Mohler's article is:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel that I should visit your church soon. I'm a member of a church in Lee's Summit that brings a great message of Christ's love, but perhaps not the depth I crave in terms of doctrine, theology, intellectually, and perhaps even in the richness of worship. I'm just sort of discovering a love of theological study, and tonight I found Sovereign Grace's website through John Piper's website. I read your post about using your blog to point readers to other great resources, and I have to say that I appreciate the resources you are choosing. The commentary on the Emergent Church helped affirm for me that evolving social awareness is only good to the point that it does not encroach upon God's sound doctrine. I'm kind of rambling, but I'm just at a point in my life where I'm thirsty for this knowledge, but also struggling with sin and truly living for Christ. As much as I love the people of my church and the student ministry that I work with, I'm worried about a lack of substance. So I hope I'm able to visit you guys soon. Thanks again.