Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Derek "The Man" Metcalf


For any of you who missed last Sunday (1/28/07), Derek gave an outstanding sermon on Colossians 1:3-5. If you would like to have a copy of that message just let us know via email at

Derek you did an outstanding job, bro! You are "the man!" We all came away from that time incredibly provoked to find our hope and present treasure in Christ and Christ alone. I found myself personally challenged and provoked as I can oftentimes find myself seeking to place my hope in the 'stuff of earth,' rather than on the bountiful riches of heaven and how hope in Christ feeds our love for one another. Derek, you did an outstanding job drawing the connections between love and our hope in Christ...seeing how our love for one another is not something that we are trying to just "work up," but that our love for one another flows out of our hope in the gospel. May we all be increasingly heavenly minded to be of some earthly good! Outstanding my friend! Well done, you fed us all so very, very well! I can't wait to hear you preach again!

I wanted to supply all of you with a list of possible discussion questions around what Derek preached on for you to use in your own private devotions and reflections on his sermon, as well as for Care Group discussion. (Derek, feel free to add other discussion and application questions as well as any other comments.)
  1. Read Colossians 1:3-14.
  2. What stood out to you the most about the message?
  3. What is provoking about their testimony that Paul heard about?
  4. How is Biblical love different and even confronting of our perspective of love?
  5. Who does Paul thank? What does this tell us about who gives us the power to love as Christ has loved us? What does this tell us about the Holy Spirit's role in this?
  6. Who does Paul hear that they love?
  7. What motivates the people of God to love?
  8. What might we try to find our hope in? Is there anything or anyone that you might be trying to find hope in right now?
  9. How does setting our minds on heaven's greatest possession put earthly "sacrifices" in perspective? Do you remember the illustration Derek used about Hudson Taylor? Describe it.
  10. What is the greatest possession of heaven? What does this say about what is to be our greatest earthly possesion?
  11. How do we set our minds on heaven above? What are some practical ways that works itself out in our lives?

Hoping in The Treasure Of Heaven,


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